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"Together, we can build a New Hampshire where every voice is heard and every person has the opportunity to thrive."
- Stephanie Vuolo

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Why I'm Running

Growing up, I spent countless summers in New Hampshire, and those experiences shaped my love for this community. After moving here permanently, I saw firsthand the challenges we face—from ensuring access to quality healthcare to protecting our rights and strengthening our schools. I knew I had to step up when I saw how critical these issues are for our future.


That’s why I’m running for the State House—to make a real difference in our community. My goal is to tackle these important challenges and build a New Hampshire where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. I’m committed to working for meaningful change, and I hope you'll join me in this journey.


Support Stephanie's Campaign

With your support, we can protect our rights, improve education, and create opportunities for all Granite Staters.

Making a Difference Together

Reproductive Rights

Healthcare is a fundamental human right, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 jeopardized women’s autonomy. She will advocate for policies that protect and expand reproductive healthcare services in New Hampshire, ensuring access to contraception, fertility treatments, and abortion care. Stephanie is committed to supporting Planned Parenthood, which provides essential cancer screenings, STD prevention, and contraceptive services to over 17,000 Granite Staters annually.

Public Education

She will fight to ensure students receive a well-rounded, authentic education that includes science, history, and the arts—free from censorship or political agendas. She stands firmly against efforts to divert public funds to private and religious institutions, and she advocates for full transparency and accountability in how public money is spent in education.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Equality for all citizens is at the core of Stephanie's values. She is committed to fighting discrimination and promoting the rights and safety of the LGBTQ+ community in New Hampshire. From adoption and family planning to healthcare, housing, and employment, Stephanie will work tirelessly to ensure equal protections and civil rights for all Granite Staters, creating a state that celebrates diversity and rejects hate.

Meet Jake, Stephanie’s Top Supporter

Jake, Stephanie’s loyal companion, has been by her side through every step of the campaign. Whether joining her on hikes or offering moral support during meetings, Jake is always ready to lend a paw. He proudly endorses Stephanie’s run for State Representative—tail wags and all!
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